
Treatment options for

Coronary Heart Disease

Options for the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease.

In this section, the abbreviation MI (myocardial infarction) includes STEMI and NSTEMI.

  • NICE uses the term “Acute Coronary Syndromes” in their 2020 guidance.

Treatment options:

Smoking cessation

Smoking cessation reduces the chance of further heart attacks, strokes and cardiovascular deaths in people with established CHD.

These benefits begin to accrue over the first year of stopping smoking.

The data below is from studies with follow up ranging from 1-10 years, so we have used the approximation “several years”.

Here, “major cardiovascular event” means non-fatal MI or stroke, or cardiovascular death.

Continue smoking
Stop smoking
ARR -- Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT -- Number Needed to Treat
RRR -- Relative Risk Reduction
Continue smoking
32.3 people have a major cardiovascular event
Stop smoking
22.7 people have a major cardiovascular event
ARR 9.6% Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT 10 Number Needed to Treat
RRR 30% Relative Risk Reduction

If 100 people with established CHD stop smoking, over several years 9.6 will avoid a major cardiovascular event compared to those who continue smoking

Continue smoking
21 people have a cardiovascular death over several years
Stop smoking
13.3 people have a cardiovascular death over several years
ARR 7.6% Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT 13 Number Needed to Treat
RRR 36% Relative Risk Reduction

If 100 people with established CHD stop smoking, over several years 7.6 will avoid a cardiovascular death compared to those who continue smoking

Mediterranean diet

A Mediterranean-style diet is recommended by NICE for those who have had an MI.

  • NICE defines this as: “more bread, fruit, vegetables and fish; less meat; and replace butter and cheese with products based on plant oils”.
No treatment
With treatment
ARR -- Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT -- Number Needed to Treat
RRR -- Relative Risk Reduction
No treatment
6.3 cardiovascular deaths over 4 years
With treatment
2.2 cardiovascular deaths over 4 years
ARR 4.1% Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT 24 Number Needed to Treat
RRR 65% Relative Risk Reduction

If 100 people with a recent MI follow a Mediterranean diet over 4 years, there will be 4.1 fewer cardiovascular deaths compared to those who did not have this diet

No treatment
7.9 deaths over 4 years
With treatment
3.5 deaths over 4 years
ARR 4.4% Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT 23 Number Needed to Treat
RRR 56% Relative Risk Reduction

If 100 people with a recent MI follow a Mediterranean diet over 4 years, there will be 4.4 fewer deaths from any cause compared to those who did not have this diet

The only harms reported in this study were 2 patients with diarrhoea attributed to the margarine supplied as part of the dietary intervention.

Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation

NICE recommends an exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation programme for all people with CHD.

The type and amount of exercise is not specified, and ideally is tailored to the individual.

  • Clinical trials have used mainly aerobic exercise, but also included resistance training.
No treatment
With treatment
ARR -- Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT -- Number Needed to Treat
RRR -- Relative Risk Reduction
No treatment
21.4 people have a hospital admission within 1 year of rehab programme
With treatment
12.4 people have a hospital admission within 1 year of rehab programme
ARR 9% Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT 11 Number Needed to Treat
RRR 42% Relative Risk Reduction

If 100 people with CHD complete an exercise-based cardiac rehab programme, 9 fewer will have a hospital admission in the following year compared to 100 people who did not undertake the programme

No treatment
13 people have a myocardial infarction after 3 years follow up
With treatment
8 people have a myocardial infarction after 3 years follow up
ARR 4.7% Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT 21 Number Needed to Treat
RRR 36% Relative Risk Reduction

If 100 people with CHD complete an exercise-based cardiac rehab programme, 5 fewer will have an MI after 3 years compared to 100 people who did not undertake the programme

No treatment
14 people have cardiovascular death after 3 years
With treatment
8 people have a cardiovascular death after 3 years
ARR 6.1% Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT 16 Number Needed to Treat
RRR 43% Relative Risk Reduction

If 100 people with CHD complete an exercise-based cardiac rehab programme, 6 fewer will have cardiovascular death after 3 years compared to 100 people who did not undertake the programme

Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation is very safe. Many studies have shown serious complications to be rare1.

For example, a 1-year prospective study of 65 cardiac rehabilitation centres in France2 showed:

  • 1 serious cardiovascular event* for every 49,565 patient-hours of exercise training
  • 1 (non-fatal) cardiac arrest after a total of 743,471 patient-hours of exercise training

*CV events were: Chest pain/weakness/heart failure/non-sustained VT

MODERATE quality evidence, because:

  • Observational data, but large, well conducted study.
This research provides a good indication of the treatment effect.

There is a moderate possibility that the true effect is smaller or greater.



1)Dibben G, Faulkner J, Oldridge N et al. Exercise‐based cardiac rehabilitation for coronary heart disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2021, Issue 11. Art. No.: CD001800

2)Pavy B, Iliou MC, Meurin P et al. Functional Evaluation and Cardiac Rehabilitation Working Group of the French Society of Cardiology. Safety of Exercise Training for Cardiac Patients: Results of the French Registry of Complications During Cardiac Rehabilitation. Arch Intern Med 2006; 166(21): 2329–2334


NICE recommends aspirin as indefinite therapy following Acute Coronary Syndrome1

  • data on aspirin v placebo is shown in the charts below

Dual antiplatelet therapy

A P2Y12 inhibitor, in addition to aspirin, is recommended for 1 year post-MI.

  • Ticagrelor or prasugrel are now recommended as first choice over clopidogrel.
  • Ticagrelor or prasugrel offer (very approximately) an additional 1-3% Absolute Risk Reduction in re-infarction with no extra bleeding risk compared to clopidogrel1.
  • Clopidogrel was the first P2Y12 inhibitor to show benefit in addition to aspirin – this data is presented in charts below as the data for ticagrelor and prasugrel are too complex.
No treatment
With treatment
ARR -- Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT -- Number Needed to Treat
RRR -- Relative Risk Reduction
No treatment
3.1 people have a non-fatal MI over 1 year
With treatment
2.2 people have a non-fatal MI over 1 year
ARR 0.9% Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT 111 Number Needed to Treat
RRR 28% Relative Risk Reduction

If 100 people with a previous MI take aspirin for 1 years, 0.9 will avoid a non-fatal MI compared to those who do not take aspirin

No treatment
4.5 deaths over 1 year
With treatment
3.9 deaths over 2 years
ARR 0.6% Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT 166 Number Needed to Treat
RRR 12% Relative Risk Reduction

If 100 people with a previous MI take aspirin for 1 years, 0.6 will avoid a vascular death compared to those who do not take aspirin

No treatment
6.7 people have a recurrent MI over 1 year
With treatment
5.2 people have a recurrent MI over 1 year
ARR 1.5% Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT 67 Number Needed to Treat
RRR 23% Relative Risk Reduction

If 100 people with a recent MI take clopidogrel in addition to aspirin for 1 year, 1.5 will avoid a recurrent MI compared to those taking aspirin alone

No treatment
11.4 people have a cardiovascular event or CV death over 1 year
With treatment
9.3 people have a cardiovascular event or CV death over 1 year
ARR 2.1% Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT 48 Number Needed to Treat
RRR 18% Relative Risk Reduction

If 100 people with a recent MI take clopidogrel in addition to aspirin for 1 year, 2 will avoid a CV event or death compared to those taking aspirin alone

Bleeding risk with aspirin

1 in 200 people will experience a major bleed due to aspirin therapy over the course of  5 years treatment1

  • estimate based on a 65 year-old male without risk factors for bleeding
  • aspirin dose unspecified in this data, but likely to be 75 – 150mg daily
  • individualised risks for bleeding can be estimated using this calculation tool based on a New Zealand population1

Extra bleeding risk with P2Y12 inhibitors

1 in 100 extra people will experience a major bleed from clopidogrel therapy in addition to aspirin over 1 year.

3 in 100 extra people will experience a minor bleed from clopidogrel therapy in addition to aspirin over 1 year.

  • these figures are from the CURE trial population2

Ticagrelor and prasugrel have similar bleeding risks to clopidogrel3.



1)Selak V, Jackson R, Poppe K et al. Predicting bleeding risk to guide aspirin use for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. A cohort study. Annals of Internal Medicine 2019; 170(6): 357-368

2) CURE investigators. Effects of Clopidogrel in Addition to Aspirin in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes without ST-Segment Elevation. N Engl J Med 2001; 345: 494-502

3)National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Acute Coronary Syndromes 2020 [Internet]. [London]: NICE; 2020 (Clinical guideline [CG185])

Statins and other lipid lowering drugs

NICE recommends atorvastatin 80mg in those with a previous MI to reduce the risk of further cardiovascular events.

  • a lower dose or alternative statins may be used if this is not tolerated

NICE recommends a range of second-line treatments to consider if the following cholesterol targets are not met:

  • non-HDL cholesterol ≤ 2.6 mmol/L  OR

  • LDL cholesterol ≤ 2.0 mmol/L

The NICE guideline emphasises that decisions about escalting treatment should be made taking into account patient preferences about the potential benefits of extra medication balanced against issues such as co-morbdities, multiple medications and life expectancy.

Summary of second-line treatments


NICE recommends considering ezetimibe, inclisiran or PCSK9 inhibitors (evolocumab and alirocumab) as additional treatments if cholesterol targets are not met.

Ezetimibe may be consdiered as an additional option for further risk reduction even if targets are met.

Follow these links for evidence summaries for ezetimibe, PCSK9 inhibitors and incliseran.

No treatment
With treatment
ARR -- Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT -- Number Needed to Treat
RRR -- Relative Risk Reduction
No treatment
14.4 people have a fatal or non-fatal MI over 5 years
With treatment
8.6 people have a fatal or non-fatal MI over 5 years
ARR 5.8% Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT 17 Number Needed to Treat
RRR 40% Relative Risk Reduction

If 100 people with a previous MI take a statin for 5 years, 5.8 will avoid a fatal or non-fatal MI compared to those who do not take a statin

No treatment
4.5 people have a stroke over 5 years
With treatment
2.7 people have a stroke over 5 years
ARR 1.8% Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT 56 Number Needed to Treat
RRR 40% Relative Risk Reduction

If 100 people with a previous MI take a statin for 5 years, 1.8 will avoid a stroke compared to those who do not take a statin

No treatment
7 people have a CHD death over 5 years
With treatment
4.2 people have a CHD death over 5 years
ARR 2.8% Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT 36 Number Needed to Treat
RRR 40% Relative Risk Reduction

If 100 people with a previous MI take a statin for 5 years, 2.8 will avoid a CHD death compared to those who do not take a statin

Myalgia and non-specific side effects

Muscle pains and general malaise are sometimes reported with statin use. Most of this (roughly 90%) is due to a nocebo* effect.

* an adverse effect experienced because the patient expects it, rather than as a result of the treatment itself


This has been controversial over the years with some arguing that they are not genuine side effects because:

  • high quality RCTs have not shown an overall difference between statins and placebo in these common symptoms
  • evidence of side effects which comes from observational evidence is lower quality (subject to greater bias and confounders)6

Others argued that7:

  • RCTs are not designed to properly test for side effects like these.
  • observational evidence is imperfect but valid, for example:
    • 22% of patients taking statins self-reported muscular pain in the last 30 days compared to 16.7% of those not taking a statin. (US national health survey8)
    • 73% of people taking statins had a code for a musculoskeletal problem on their records over a 5-year period compared to 71% not taking a statin (US health database9)

The question has perhaps been resolved by 2 trials set in the UK, involving patients who had previously reported muscle aches or other side effects with statins10,11. They were given statins, placebo or no tablets for periods of 1-2 months in random order and asked to record their symptoms.

Both trials, which were fully blinded and well conducted, showed that muscle symptoms and other “side effects” (even ones severe enough to stop taking the tablets) were almost as common with placebo tablets. Half to two-thirds of patients were able to restart their statins after receiving feedback.

Myositis and Rhabdomyolysis

2-22 excess cases per 10,000 person years for both combined3.


The NICE systematic review of RCTs did not find evidence of an increase in these side effects1.

However, RCTs can fail to pick up rare harms. Observational research (LOW quality evidence) has shown the following risks:

Myositis (muscle pain plus elevated CK x 10)

  • 5 excess cases per 10,000 people over 5 years6

Rhabdomyolisis (severe myopathy with extremely elevated CK, myoglobinaemia and renal impairment)

  • 2-3 excess cases per 100,000 people per year6

Elevated liver enzymes

4 in every 1000 people will develop raised transaminases (ALT >3 x normal) due to taking a statin.

Statin-related raised transaminases up to 3 x the upper limit of normal are thought to be harmless and do not require statin therapy to be stopped if stable1.


This approximate figure is found by both the NICE systematic review of RCTs (who rated it MODERATE quality evidence)1 and a Cochrane review of observational studies2.

Serious liver disease

Acute hepatitis and liver failure associated with statins are so rare it is uncertain whether there is a causal effect.


RCT data has not shown an increase in these harms compared to placebo. A 2007 review paper5 said:

‘Although hepatitis and liver failure have been reported spontaneously and from trials of statins, it is not clear whether they are causally related or that the risk is over and above the background risk of sporadic liver failure.’

New-onset type 2 Diabetes

1 excess case per 200 people over a 5-year period due to taking a statin.

However, the cardiovascular benefits of statins outweigh risks associated with glycaemic changes5.

Statins do not need to be stopped in response to increases in blood glucose or HbA1c1.


This number comes from the NICE evidence review of RCTs and was rated as HIGH quality evidence1. A similar figure was produced in another large systematic review of RCTs2.

Larger risks  have been reported in observational studies (up to 2% per annum), though this was described as weak evidence by the Cochrane review group undertaking the analysis3.

Larger risks (up to a few percent over 5 years) have been shown in RCTs using atorvastatin 80mg. This was in subgroups with 2 or more risk factors for diabetes. Not all findings were statistically significant so there is uncertainty about the size of the effect4.



1)National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Cardiovascular disease: Risk Assessment and reduction, including lipid modification 2014 [Internet]. [London]: NICE; 2014 [updated 2016 Sep]. (Clinical guideline [CG181])

2)Sattar N, Preiss D, Murray HM et al. Statins and risk of incident diabetes: a collaborative meta-analysis of randomised statin trials. Lancet 2010; 375(9716): 735-742

3)Macedo AF, Taylor FC, Casas JP et al. Unintended effects of statins from observational studies in the general population: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Med 2014; 12: 51

4)Waters DD, Ho JE, DeMicco D et al. Predictors of New-Onset Diabetes in Patients Treated With Atorvastatin: Results From 3 Large Randomized Clinical Trials. J Am Coll Cardiol 2011; 14: 1535-1545

5)Armitage J. The safety of statins in clinical practice. Lancet 2010; 370(9601): 1781-1790

6)Collins R, Reith C, Emberson J et al. Interpretation of the evidence for the efficacy and safety of statin therapy. Lancet 2016; 388(10059): 2532-2561

7)Abramson JD, Rosenberg HG, Jewell N, Wright JM. Should people at low risk of cardiovascular disease take a statin?

8)Buettner C, Davis RB, Leveille SG et al. Prevalence of musculoskeletal pain and statin use. J Gen Intern Med 2008 Aug; 23(8): 1182-1186

9)Mansi I, Frei CR, Pugh MJ et al. Statins and Musculoskeletal Conditions, Arthropathies, and Injuries. JAMA Intern Med 2013; 173(14): 1318–1326

10)Wood FA, Howard JP, Finegold JA et al. N-of-1 Trial of a Statin, Placebo, or No Treatment to Assess Side Effects. N Engl J Med 2020; 383: 2182-2184

11)Herrett E, Williamson E, Brack K et al. Statin treatment and muscle symptoms: series of randomised, placebo controlled n-of-1 trials

Beta blockers

**This section applies to those patients with normal left-ventricular systolic function post-MI. For patients with impaired LV function, see the HF-REF section (link below)**

NICE guidelines from 2020 include a change from the previous practice of continuing beta-blockers indefinitely. They now say:

  • Offer people a beta-blocker as soon as possible after an MI, when the person is haemodynamically stable.
  • Consider [think about] continuing a beta-blocker for 12 months after an MI for people without reduced left ventricular ejection fraction.
  • Discuss the potential benefits and risks of stopping or continuing beta-blockers beyond 12 months after an MI for people without reduced left ventricular ejection fraction. Include in the discussion:

    • the lack of evidence on the relative benefits and harms of continuing beyond 12 months
    • the person’s experience of adverse effects

The guidelines are slightly ambiguous because the evidence to support the use of beta-blockers post-MI is not straightforward.

The figures below are from the original trials of beta-blockers post-MI.

For a summary of evidence behind the new recommendations, see here:


  • Most evidence of benefit comes from old trials (“pre-reperfusion era” 1980s) where patients did not get reperfusion treatments, anti-platelets or statins.
  • Trials in the modern (“reperfusion”) era suggest less benefit from beta-blockers but are not as yet conclusive.

How long should someone continue a beta-blocker?

  • There is no research testing beta-blocker use beyond 1 year post-MI compared to stopping treatment.
  • Even though the original trials followed up patients for an average of 3 years, it is thought that most of the benefit from beta-blockers occurs soon after the event and over the first year of treatment.
  • The evidence does not provide an answer about the optimal duration of treatment.

What does this mean for patients?

  • After 1 year post-MI, it is probably low risk to stop a beta-blocker (and certainly no need to start one at this or any later time point).
  • If a patient is getting problematic side effects from beta-blockers before 1 year, there may be only a small risk in stopping them early if they have had revascularisation or thrombolysis. This could be discussed with a cardiologist.

There are a number of clinical trials which should clarify these questions due to report in 2023-2025.

No treatment
With treatment
ARR -- Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT -- Number Needed to Treat
RRR -- Relative Risk Reduction
No treatment
7.8 people have a recurrent MI over 3 years
With treatment
5.9 people have a recurrent MI over 3 years
ARR 1.9% Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT 53 Number Needed to Treat
RRR 24% Relative Risk Reduction

If 100 people who have had an MI without heart failure take a beta-blocker for 3 years, 1.9 people will avoid a recurrent MI compared with those who do not take a beta-blocker

No treatment
14 people have a non-fatal MI or cardiovascular death over 3 years
With treatment
10.3 people have a non-fatal MI or cardiovascular death over 3 years
ARR 3.7% Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT 27 Number Needed to Treat
RRR 26% Relative Risk Reduction

If 100 people who have had an MI without heart failure take a beta-blocker for 3 years, 13.7 people will avoid a non-fatal MI or cardiovascular death compared with those who do not take a beta-blocker

No treatment
10.9 deaths over 3 years
With treatment
8.7 deaths over 3 years
ARR 2.2% Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT 45 Number Needed to Treat
RRR 19% Relative Risk Reduction

If 100 people who have had an MI without heart failure take a beta-blocker for 3 years, 2.2 people will avoid death compared with those who do not take a beta-blocker

The data on side-effect rates with beta-blockers in the post-MI population is uncertain.

NICE reported the following rates in their evidence review1:

  • This included trials where beta-blockers had been started in the acute phase post-MI where side effects may be much more common.
Placebo Beta-blocker Absolute Risk Increase Number Needed to Harm
Dizziness 1% 15% 14% 7
Fatigue 5.9% 13.5% 7.6% 13
Bradycardia 2.6% 6.6% 4% 25

Another systematic review2 found no difference in the rates of depression, fatigue and sexual dysfunction in clinical trials comparing beta-blocker to placebo, though this was not fully exhaustive.



1)National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. MI – secondary prevention. Secondary prevention in primary and secondary care for patients following a myocardial infarction 2013 [Internet]. [London]: NICE; 2013 (Clinical guideline [CG48])

2)Ko DT, Hebert PR, Coffey CS et al. β-Blocker Therapy and Symptoms of Depression, Fatigue, and Sexual Dysfunction. JAMA 2002; 288(3): 351–357

ACE inhibitors and ARBs

**This section applies to those patients with normal left-ventricular systolic function post-MI. For patients with impaired LV function, see the HF-REF section (link below)**

 ACE inhibitors and ARBs can improve outcomes when used as treatment for secondary prevention post-MI.

Part of this effect may be due to blood pressure lowering, but it is unclear how much.

  • In the key trials, baseline BP was about 138/80mmHg without ACE inhibitor.
No treatment
With treatment
ARR -- Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT -- Number Needed to Treat
RRR -- Relative Risk Reduction
No treatment
6.2 people have a non-fatal MI over 4 years
With treatment
4.8 people have a non-fatal MI over 4 years
ARR 1.4% Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT 71 Number Needed to Treat
RRR 22% Relative Risk Reduction

If 100 people who have had an MI without heart failure take an ACE inhibitor for 4 years, 1.4 will avoid a non-fatal MI compared to those who do not take an ACE inhibitor

No treatment
9.9 people will have a non-fatal MI, cardiac arrest or CV death over 4 years
With treatment
8 people will have a non-fatal MI, cardiac arrest or CV death over 4 years
ARR 1.9% Absolute Risk Reduction
NNT 53 Number Needed to Treat
RRR 19% Relative Risk Reduction

If 100 people who have had an MI without heart failure take an ACE inhibitor for 4 years, 1.9 will avoid a non-fatal MI, cardiac arrest or CV death compared to those who do not take an ACE inhibitor

Side effect rates in the EUROPA trial1 :

Placebo Perindopril 8mg Absolute risk increase Number Needed to Harm
Cough 0.5% 2.7% 2.2% 45
Hypotension 0.3% 1.0% 0.7% 143
Kidney Failure 0.3% 0.3% none none
Intolerance (non specific) 1.3% 2.4% 1.1% 91

Note: these rates are reported as those severe enough to result in withdrawal from treatment

Evidence quality: MODERATE

  • side effect rates may differ in populations with more co-morbidity or frailty
This research provides a good indication of the treatment effect.

There is a moderate possibility that the true effect is smaller or greater.



1)The EUROPA Investigators. Efficacy of perindopril in reduction of cardiovascular events among patients with stable coronary artery disease: randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial (the EUROPA study). The Lancet 2003; 362(9386): 782-788